The Importance of Prayer and Fasting (Week 2)

When you pray and fast, you get God’s protection (Isaiah 58:8). The Glory of the Lord comes upon your life, it comes behind you as protection. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt, there was a cloud leading them and a pillar of fire in the night giving them light and direction.

Paul was mindful of his personal salvation. He did not want his body to be a stumbling block (1 Corinthians 9:26-27). The body has desires and if you do not put your body under subjection, you may fail to enter Heaven. The spirits of lust and immorality are never satisfied. How do we beat the body? Through prayer and fasting.

When you pray and fast, you are covered with the Glory of the Lord (Exodus 34:28-35)Your spiritual level rises when you pray and fast. You no longer remain an ordinary christian, God lifts you up to another level when His Glory covers you. Do not be satisfied to be a normal Christian, raise your spiritual level. Pray and fast and be empowered by God. This world is full of powers and principalities. If you are not mindful, they will attack and oppress you and you will be their slave. Let God’s Glory radiate on your life. One way to achieve that is through prayer and fasting. You will not be the same when you pray and fast. When you are in the flesh continuously, the flesh will dictate what it wants, raise your spiritual standard.

When we walk in the flesh, our judgements are also in the flesh. There is a special anointing that rests upon you when you pray and fast (Mark 9:2-3, 9, 14-18). You are endowed with spiritual power and authority over demonic forces in your life.

When you pray and fast, you are re-filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. For every great work of God you’re doing, there will be opposition (Acts 4:18,23-24, 31). When the Apostles were shaken, they needed a re-fill of the Holy Ghost. You need a re-charging, and this is the month of recharging your spiritual batteries. If the Apostles needed recharging, who are we? We can’t afford to be Luke-warm Christians.

When you pray, you remove your shame and reproach (1 Samuel 1:2-7, 9-10, 12-16). Hannah prayed and the reproach was goneHannah became the mother of one of the greatest prophets, the Prophet Samuel. We are going through many reproaches, we need to pray to break the reproaches. Some reproaches have been on our lives for long, prayer will break the reproaches.

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